Rhino K2 Flasher 180mm

Short Description

Length 180mm
Standard Model

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Product Details

Rhino K2 Flasher 180mm

The K2 Flasher is the first two-piece flasher from Rhino. The flasher’s enticing action is sure to impress spoon and natural bait anglers alike. With its sideways bursts and irregular rotation, the flasher proved its ability to seduce sea trout and cod during testing. Thanks to its completely unique design, the flasher creates so little pressure during a fight, you would think you were fighting a fish on a free line. Genuine fighting fun guaranteed.

Click here to see underwater footage of Rhino Flasher

Click here to see downrigger and other items to work with flashers

Rhino K2 Flasher 180mm

Rig it right and you will catch more fish than with any other system. Rig it wrong and you will catch a few fish but most of them will not hit. The difference between right and wrong involves a few basics along with some special tricks. Rhino K2 Flasher 180mm are normally tied to your fishing line from your rod and reel. You will then rig a bait, hootchie, fly or lure two to five feet behind the flasher. Moreover with your boat in motion you let the flasher up to 30 feet back. Your fishing line is then clipped in a downrigger release and you are ready to take the setup to fishing depth. Diagrams on the following pages show different setups.

One of the most common mistakes with flashers is trolling them backwards. The narrow tapered end is the front. The taper makes the flasher spin as it is trolled. The wide rear section of the flasher kicks back and forth to attract the fish with strong vibrations.

Rigging Conventional Flashers

Conventional flashers also have been used by sport and commercial fishermen for decades. Rigged right, they are the top salmon catching devices in the world. The flashers are normally made of bright colored plastic and have colored tape on both sides. Embossed silver tape is again very popular as is glow in the dark tape and various colors of tape.
Typical Flasher Rigging